You wear your clothes inside out
to confuse me.
You let me believe I am inside you.
Breathing out
a flood of light.
To feed you.
But my happiness is pallid and
It blinds you instead.
That’s why I am still running.
Before you.
Trying to keep you
from walking away.
A.J. Huffman is a poet and freelance writer in Daytona
Beach, Florida. She has previously published four collections of
poetry: The Difference Between Shadows and Stars, Carrying
Yesterday, Cognitive Distortion, and . . . And Other Such Nonsense.
She has also published her work in national and international literary journals
such as Avon Literary Intelligencer, Writer's Gazette, and The Penwood
Review. Find more about A.J. Huffman, including additional
information and links to her work at and!/poetess222.